Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Carmen will be able to live a normal life

in regards to the Carmen Sanchez case:
“The performance of such a complex, delicate surgery and high quality post-operative intensive care is the culmination of all we have built through CAMO,” said Tschiegg.  “This young woman’s condition is so rare that only a few surgeons would even attempt it and only in a U.S. hospital.  Carmen was too fragile to transfer to the U.S. but we knew she would die soon if we didn’t do something.  We were blessed with many surgeons and nurses who volunteered to take on the challenge of performing this surgery in Honduras.  Through private contributions, we were able to gather the surgical tools and ICU equipment that was necessary to save this woman’s life. By working together, Honduran surgeons helped perform a complex surgical procedure, the first in their country, and the nursing staff of both the private and public hospitals of Santa Rosa have now developed the capability for intricate post-surgical intensive care.  Most important, though, is that Carmen Sanchez will now be able to live a normal life.”

--Kathryn Tschiegg
Founder and Executive Director, CAMO

El Milagro de Carmen

For the past 4 years, Carmen Sanchez has lived behind closed doors. Only 23 years old she has already known a life full of pain. Forced to cover her face to hide a tumor that originated in the back of her throat, Carmen has lead a marked life…until CAMO...

Carmen’s story came to us in Honduras where we immediately began the workings to improve this young woman’s quality of life. Thanks to the generous hearts of many individuals, Carmen not only would survive, but she could now live beyond those closed doors that she’d known for so many years.

11 doctors and nurses from the U.S. traveled to operate, joining a group of 6 Honduran medical volunteers; the private and public hospitals of Santa Rosa playing a key role in this process as well. Over 12 hours of surgery successfully removed a 810 grams tumor from Carmen’s face.

Carmen’s journey has just begun for her the story does not end here. Prior to surgery, Carmen could not read or write; so CAMO will see to it that Carmen recieves proper vocational education at the Trade School to integrate her into society, even building her a new home! Carmen is truly a miracle…made possible through the support of many people and organizations who contributed to making “El Milagro de Carmen” a reality today.

Carmen, 45 days after surgery

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Monday, June 4, 2012

Carmen Sanchez

Carmen lived with a
melon-sized tumor for years!
15 days post-op
A month ago: CAMO supported a medical team that freed a young woman of a melon-sized tumor in her mouth...

"It has been a honor to work with all sectors and to have so many good organizations and people be part of giving life back to Carmen. Central American Medical Outreach (CAMO) provided 61 days medical care & preparation, coordinated all activities in Honduras including the coordination team members form Jackson, Florida and Ohio team in preparation of Carmen and the facility to support the surgical procedure. (First time ever a procedure of this nature was performed in Honduras) The public health sector and the private hospital Centro Medico were key in making this surgery possible and an success. CAMO provided the key medical equipment (neurosurgical microscope $50,000 piece of equipment along with setting up and equipping the ICU unit) necessary for this surgery. CAMO worked with the Mayor for land donation, provided all the funding for all cost occurred in the 61 days of hospitalization plus the team cost. CAMO continues to provide post-op coordination, funding and care made possible only through 20 years of relationships and development. CAMO will continue to work with Carmen until she is able to read, write and completion of trade training so she can support herself. CAMO will be building a small house for her on completion of her graduation from trade school. 
Special thanks to the Hondurans who donated their facilities, time and expertise:
  • Dr Juan Carlos Cardona ( Managed case pre-op and post-op)
  • Dr Alfredo Tabora (Director of Centro Medico) Who continues to support us in this case.
  • Centro Medico Board of Directors for allowing this case to be done in their facility and helping with the cost. Centro Medico nursing staff of nine nurse who cared for Carmen for 30 days post op and continue to care for her as a person.
  • Dr Natalie Mungia (Anesthesia)
  • Mirna Pineda (OR Nurse) Who helped to have everything selected and supplies ready for this case
  • Teleton Santa Rosa (Post op rehabilitation)
  • Women’s Shelter (CASA HOGAR) Housing for Carmen Post op
  • Trade School (Escuela de Artes y Oficios) Teaching her a trade
  • Anabel Gonzales (Executive Secretary CAMO Honduras) Who is Carmen's advocate and has seen her two times every day for the last 3 months and continue to help her in her new journey. 
  • All of CAMO's staff in the USA and Honduras who have assisted with this case. 
State Side Thanks to:
  • The eleven team members who traveled to Honduras Dr Christopher Salgado, Dr Askari Morad, Dr Michael Peleg, Dr Joni Magi, Consuelo Cotterell Surgical Tech, Suzanna Hernandez Surgical Tech., Beatriz De Luz RN(From Jackson) Katie Simmons RN, Laurie Yeagly RN, Dr Les Mohler from Ohio. Dennis Kane from Washington DC.
  • 38 days post-op
  • Salem Mennonite Church in Kidron Ohio for providing initial funding to CAMO for Carmen.
Each part made the whole, without one the other would not have had the success, so thanks to each and every one of you. 
It has truly taken the entire village."
--Kathryn M. Tschiegg 


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